Time Composer hails from the future.
Embark on his musical odyssey !
The year is 2270. In a world left in ruins, where Humanity has forgotten almost everything, a melody echoes through Time. Time Composer, the last witness to lost harmonies, travels across eras through the multicolored beams of his Piano-Laser.
Each note is a fragment of the past, each chord a piece of History. His music, blending electro with vintage romance, fuses the future with forgotten memories. On stage, he makes Time itself vibrate, sculpting light and sound into immersive performances where lasers dance to the rhythm of his melodies.
Time Composer is not just a musician. He is a storyteller, an explorer of ages, seeking the wonders of a vanished world… and the mysteries that Time refuses to erase.
Contact & Booking
Manager & Producer : Anne Duhamel
Email : info@historiatravel.com
Phone : + 49 (0) 178 403 89 93
Time Composer - Laser Harp - Harpe Laser